Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Definition of Ethics

Ethics is a set bof belief about right and wrong behavior. Ethical behavior conforms to generally accepted social norms, many of which are almost universal. However, although nearly everyone would agree that lying and cheating are unethical, what contitutes ethical behavior on any other issues is a matter of opinion. For example, most people would not steal an umbrella from someone's home but a person who find an umbrella in a theater migth be tempted to keep it. A person's opinion of what represents ethical behavior is strongly influenced by a combination of family influences, life experiences, education, religious beliefs, personal values, and peer influences.
As childrengrow, they learn complicated tasks-walking, riding a bike, writing the alphabet-that they perform out of habit for the rest of thier lives. People also develop habits that make it easier to choose between what society considers good or bad.

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